Heritage Series – CHD716
Location Designation
Project Notes
Heritage Series
The Heritage Series of vertical exhaust roof units has been designed for use in ducted exhaust applications. It features a high performance centrifugal fan and removable windband which makes cleaning and maintenance easy.
There are 8 sizes in the series extending from 315 to 710mm diameter.
  • Durable galvanised steel construction with coated finish.
  • Designed to handle clean air, grease laden air, toxic noxious and explosive gases as well as handling air at elevated temperatures.
  • Motor is mounted out of the airstream.
  • Motors to suit hazardous conditions can be fitted to some models.
  • Special finishes, such as epoxy coating can be supplied.
  • Available in a range of speeds to suit specific applications.
  • Windband can be easily removed to allow easy access for cleaning and maintenance.
  • Can be mounted at angles up to 15°.
  • Durable galvanised steel construction with coated finish.
  • Designed to handle clean air, grease laden air, toxic noxious and explosive gases as well as handling air at elevated temperatures.
  • Motor is mounted out of the airstream.
  • Motors to suit hazardous conditions can be fitted to some models.
  • Special finishes, such as epoxy coating can be supplied.
  • Available in a range of speeds to suit specific applications.
  • Windband can be easily removed to allow easy access for cleaning and maintenance.
  • Can be mounted at angles up to 15°.
  • Construction
    Cowls are of galvanised steel with coated finish.
    Impellers are a backward-curved centrifugal design.
    Windband is fitted with quick-release toggle clamps to facilitate cleaning and maintenance.
    Stainless steel construction is an optional extra.
    Type - standard TEFC squirrel cage induction motors.
    Electricity supply - single or three-phase to suit a wide range of voltages and frequencies.
    Bearings - sealed-for-life, ball.
    Three phase motors speed-controllable using variable speed drives.
    Multi-speed motors can be supplied.
    Motors to meet Ex e, Ex nA and Ex tD
    Standards can be fitted to some models.
    Air flow to ISO 5801: 2007
    Noise tests to ISO3744: 2010

    Technical Data - CHD716

    Speed [rps]Avg. dBA @ 3mkWatts (Input)Amps Max.°C Approx. Weight [kg]

    Sound Data



    Heritage Series – CHD716
    Suggested Specification
    The Heritage Series of vertical exhaust centrifugal roof ventilators shall be as designed and manufactured by Fantech Pty Ltd.
    The cowl shall be of coated galvanised steel unless specified otherwise. Impellers shall be backward-curved centrifugal design and driven by standard TEFC motors unless specified otherwise.
    The windband shall incorporate quick-release toggle clamps to provide easy access for cleaning and maintenance.
    All models shall be fully tested as a complete assembled unit to ISO5801: 2007 for air flow and to ISO3744: 2010 for noise.



    *All dimensions in mm, unless otherwise stated



    Fantech Pty. Ltd.
    Tel:+61 (03) 9554-7845

    New South Wales
    Fantech Pty. Ltd.
    Tel:+61 (02) 8811-0400

    Uniair Distributors Pty. Ltd.
    Tel:+61 (02) 4961-6088
    Refrigeration and Air Supplies
    Tel:+61 (02) 4226-5133

    South Australia
    Fantech Pty. Ltd.
    Tel:+61 (08) 8294-0530

    Fantech Pty. Ltd.
    Tel:+61 (07) 3299-9888
    Capricorn Air Conditioning
    Tel:+61 (07) 4775-5222

    Northern Territory
    Fantech Pty. Ltd.
    Tel:+61 (08 ) 8947-0447

    Western Australia
    Systemaire Pty. Ltd.
    Tel:+61 (08) 9209-4999

    Major Air Pty. Ltd.
    Tel:+61 (03) 62736455

    Idealair Group Pty. Ltd.
    Tel:+61 (02) 6280-5511

    Fantech (NZ) Ltd.
    Tel:+64 (09) 444-6266

    Fantech (NZ) Ltd.
    Tel:+64 (03) 379-8622

    Fantech (NZ) Ltd.
    Tel:+64 (04) 566-0532