Commercial Kitchen Exhaust Fan - Systemaire – KUD254
Performance Curve - KUD254
The Systemaire Series of commercial kitchen roof fans has
been designed for use in ducted vertical exhaust applications. It features a high performance mixed-flow fan and removable
windband which makes cleaning and maintenance easy.
These high performance kitchen exhaust fans are
available in 250, 300, 380 and 460mm fan inlet sizes.
- Aerodynamic shaped cowl for smoother air flow, reducedturbulence and increased fan performance
- Advanced mixed-flow impeller design provides high air flowwith low noise levels
- Lightweight design with aluminium housing for easy handlingand installation
- Smaller exhaust opening than traditional kitchen fansincreases discharge velocity and reduces exposure to rain
- Large drainage holes around base to prevent water build-up
- Supplied with matching flange for quick installation to suitstandard round Spiro duct
- Precisely matched motor, impeller and components to ensurequiet operation across all fan speeds
- 4-wire connection to junction box on all single phase units
- Can be used with smaller duct sizes as the fan can handlehigh pressure levels
Cowls are of aluminium and can be powder-coated as an optional extra.
Impellers are mixed-flow design.
Windband can be easily removed to facilitate cleaning and maintenance
Type - standard TEFC squirrel cage induction motors.
Electricity supply - single or three-phase to suit a wide range of voltages and frequencies.
Bearings - sealed-for-life, ball.
Speed-controllable using an electronic triac-type controller (single phase only) or variable speed drive.
Internal Thermal Protection
Single Phase - Thermal protection is supplied as standard.
3 Phase - Thermistors can be fitted on request.
Air flow tests based on ISO5801:2007
Noise tests based on ISO3744:2010
Suggested Specification
The commercial kitchen exhaust fans shall be of the Systemaire series as designed and manufactured by Fantech Pty Ltd and be of the model numbers shown on the schedule/drawings.
Impellers shall be made from high performance injection moulded composite material. They shall be mixed-flow design and driven by speed-controllable motors.
The cowl shall be of the vertical discharge type and manufactured in aluminium. The windband shall be removable to provide easy access for cleaning the impeller and drainage channel.
All models shall be fully tested as a complete assembled unit to ISO5801:2007 for air flow and ISO3744:2010 for noise.
Technical Data - KUD254
Speed [rps] | Avg. dBA @ 3m | kWatts (Input) | Amps | Max.°C | Approx. Weight [kg] |
23 | 44 | 0.25 | 0.75 | 40 | 15 |
Sound Data
Type | 63 | 125 | 250 | 500 | 1K | 2K | 4K | 8K |
Inlet | 66 | 67 | 63 | 64 | 59 | 54 | 51 | 46 |
Outlet | 66 | 69 | 66 | 66 | 64 | 61 | 56 | 50 |
*All dimensions in mm, unless otherwise stated
Wiring Diagram

Diagram shown is for single-speed only.
For 2-speed and special motors, contact Fantech for details.