Committed to conti
Fantech utilises modern technologies
that enables it to optimise the performance
and manufacturing process of its
products. This has led to the design and
development of some of the most reliable,
energy efficient and cost effective air
movement solutions on the market.
One of these technologies is 3D Rapid
Prototyping where a three-dimensional
CAD drawing is simulated into a physical
product. This capability enables a Fantech
product concept to be trialled and
assessed for its air flow performance,
noise level output, ease of installation
and aesthetic appeal before significant
investments are made in tooling, production
and market launch. This process utilises
Fantech’s in-house computerised air flow
and noise level testing facilities. The facility
includes fully calibrated equipment that
conforms to standard ISO5801 (air) and
BS848 (noise) for fan performance testing.
Another is the development and availability
of sophisticated BIM 3-D digital models for
all Fantech products. The models include
important information such as electrical
data and air flow rates that are aiding with
the design and planning process of projects
at an early stage. Architects, engineers and
builders use the models to build a single
digital model of a building. This is reviewed
well before construction commences and is
primarily used to assess possible clashes
of components and systems during the
building stage, leading to considerable
construction cost savings on projects.
One of Fantech’s in-house
air flow testing rigs.
Fantech products
are available as
BIM 3-D digital
Dr Chau Chak Wing
Building at
University of
Image by:
The Moment
It Clicks
Pty Ltd